B&B Precision are proud to fly the flag as a British manufacturer thriving in the current climate, but we see core challenges that must be addressed today in order to secure tomorrow.
Bad Press
Current perception is a key area affecting the long term future of the industry. Quite often when we talk to people outside of engineering/manufacturing they have the opinion that the sector has ‘fallen on hard times’ and is struggling to compete in the global market.
Obviously Engineering/Manufacturing covers an enormous range of sectors and specialities and where some have struggled (for instance Oil and Gas through Oil prices) others are booming. In order to attract the next generation of talent not only do we need to make STEM careers sexier, but we also have to show they are stable and growing. No parent would encourage their child into an industry with a perceived lack of future.
One of the hot topics for not only manufacturing is of course how Brexit will affect trade and in particular exports. A yearly report by Hennik Research found that of external factors affecting their business, 64% of manufacturers sited “European Political Uncertainty.”
In the short term a weak pound has actually seen more trading with Europe, in the longer like every industry manufacturing must adjust quickly to potential new trade agreements. On a practical level, with many manufacturers employing supply chains across the world, where a company is happy with the products they are buying you would imagine Brexit shouldn’t affect that relationship too much. No doubt as soon as a deal is reached many of these fears will be calmed.
More Competition
One of the biggest changes that is affecting the manufacturing sector is that of increased competition. For too long many business had simply used the same suppliers they had always relied on and it has only been surprisingly recent that business have been encouraged to shop around. Certainly the internet has had an effect in the way that people are finding new suppliers and vice versa. Buyers are younger than before and Manufacturers need not only to move with the times in terms of new technology on their shop floor but also in the way they market themselves.
Cross Sector
As a sub-contract machinist B&B Precision are able to provide a wide range of industries with machined parts. This gives us a great barometer of what’s going on in industry. We have seen renewed confidence across multiple industries including the first signs of recovery from Oil & Gas. If you are looking for a long term relationship with a growing manufacturer, then get in touch. B&B precision are based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire and provide CNC machining, HVOF coating and Grinding of components. You can email us at: mail@bandbprecision.co.uk or call 01484866386
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